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Displaying products 1 - 3 of 3 results
Bloomsdale Savoy Spinach #139
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Bloomsdale Savoy Spinach #139
Bloomsdale spinach is a vibrant, dark green leafy vegetable, known for its crinkly, curly leaves that are both tender and succulent. This heirloom variety is prized for its exceptional flavor, which is both sweet and slightly earthy, making it a favorite
Monstrueux de Viroflay Spinach #229
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Monstrueux de Viroflay Spinach #229
Spinach, smooth leaves, easy to clean. Sample pkt 10-25 seeds $0.50 Large pkt 1 gram $1.75
Tetragone #269
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Tetragone #269
New Zealand Spinach Loves hot weather, cut all summer. Sample pkt 10-25 seeds $0.50 Large pkt 3 grams $1.75