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Mache (Corn Salad)

Displaying products 1 - 2 of 2 results
Mache a grosse graine #240
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Mache a grosse graine #240
Corn Salad. Large long leaves. Very productive Does well in hotter conditions (big seed) Sample Pkt 30-50 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt .500 gram $1.75
Mache verte de Cambrai #242
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Mache verte de Cambrai #242
Corn Salad. Small leaves, very hardy and resistant to frost. Smaller seed and does better in cooler conditions Sample Pkt 30-50 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt .500 gram $1.75