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Herb Seeds

Displaying products 61 - 90 of 97 results
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Motherwort #404
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Motherwort #404
(Leonurus cardiaca) Perennial, 2-6 ft ht, likes full sun. Sample Pkt 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt 30 - 50 seeds $1.75
Mugwort #65
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Mugwort #65
(Artemisia vulgaris) Perennial, 3-6 ft ht, likes full sun Not for sale in NY Sample Pkt 30 - 50 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt .125 gram $1.75
Nasturtium #95
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Nasturtium #95
(Tropaeolum majus) Annual, 12" ht, likes full sun, moderate to poor,well drained soil. Works well in large hanging baskets. Sample Pkt 3 - 5 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt 10 - 25 seeds $1.75
Oregano True #36
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Oregano True #36
Greek Oregano (Origanum heracleoticum vulgare hirtum), Perennial, 2 ft ht, likes full sun, rich well drained soil. Sample Pkt 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt .125 gram $1.75
Pac Choi #15
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Pac Choi #15
Also called Chinese Mustard (Brassica rapa (Chinensis)), Annual, 16"-20" ht. Used in Stir-fries. Sample Pkt 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt 1 gram $1.75
Parsley Curly #37
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Parsley Curly  #37
Biennial 1ft ht Likes full sun, Rich well drained soil Uses are culinary and decorative Sample packet 75 - 100 seed $ 0.50 Large Packet 1 gram $ 1.75
Parsley Flat #38
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Parsley Flat  #38
Biennial 1ft ht Likes Full sun, Rich, well drained soil Culinary uses Sample Packet 75 - 100 seeds $ 0.50 Large Packet 1 gram $ 1.75
Pennyroyal #39
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Pennyroyal #39
(Mentha pulegium) Perennial 6-12 inch ht Full to Partial sun Culinary, medicinal, aromatic & ornamental uses Sample Packet 30 - 50 seeds $0.50 Large Packet .125 gram $1.75
Pimpernel #41
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Pimpernel #41
(Anagallis arvensis) Annual Likes full sun, Sandy and moist soil, medicinal uses. Easy to grow Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet 30 - 50 seeds $1.75
Plantain, Psyllium #410
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Plantain, Psyllium #410
(Plantago psyllium) Annual 1-2ft ht Likes Full sun & well drained soil Medicinal uses Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet 30 - 50 seeds $1.75
Poppy Corn #90
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Poppy Corn #90
(Papaver rhoeas) Annual 12-18 inch ht, Likes Full sun and light sandy soil Culinary & Medicinal uses, Easy to grow Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet .125 gram $1.75
Rosemary #42
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Rosemary #42
(rosmarinus officinalis) Tender Perennial 2-4ft ht Likes Full sun and average, well drained soil. Culinary,decorative & medicinal uses. Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet .125 gram $1.75
Rue #66
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Rue #66
(Ruta graveolens) Perennial 2-3ft ht Likes full sun, well drained soil Culinary, decorative & Dyeing uses Sample Packet 30 - 50 seeds $0.50 Large Packet .125 gram $1.75
Safflower #43
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Safflower #43
(Carthamus tinctorius) Annual Likes full sun, well drained soil. Culinary, Dyeing(yellow) & Decorative uses. Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet 2 grams $1.75
Sage, Garden #44
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Sage, Garden #44
(Salvia officinalis) Perennial 2-3ft ht Likes full sun. Culinary,Medicinal & Decorative uses. Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet 1 gram $1.75
Saltwort #416
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Saltwort #416
(Salsola komarouii) Okahijiki Annual, likes salt marshes but adaptable to less saline soil. Culinary uses Sample Packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large Packet 75 - 100 seeds $1.75
Savory, Summer #45
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Savory, Summer #45
(Satureja hortensis) Annual 1ft ht, full sun, culinary & medicinal uses Sample packets 30 - 50 seeds $0.50 Large packet .250 gram $1.75
Savory, Winter #46
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Savory, Winter #46
(Satureja montana) Perennial 1 ft ht, full sun, well drained soil. Culinary uses Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packet .125 gram $1.75
Sesame #47
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Sesame #47
(Sesamum indicum) Annual 3-6ft ht, full sun. Culinary & medicinal uses. Seeds come black & white. Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packet .500 gram $1.75
Shiso Green #77
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Shiso Green #77
(Perilla frutescens) Annual 18-24 inch ht, full sun, rich,well drained soil Culinary, decorative & aromatic uses. Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packet .250 gram $1.75
Shiso Red #78
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Shiso Red #78
(Perilla frutescens) Annual 18 inch ht, full sun, rich & well drained soil. Culinary, decorative & aromatic uses Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packet .250 gram $1.75
Skullcap Baikal #412
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Skullcap Baikal #412
(Scutellaria lateriflora) Perennial 1-2ft ht, full sun to part shade, moist soil. Medicinal uses Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packed .125 gram $1.75
St Johnswort #411
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
St Johnswort #411
(Hypericum perforatum) Perennial 1-2ft ht, full sun. Medicinal uses. Cannot ship to Montana. Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packet .125 gram $1.75
Sweet Cicely Fall only
Price: $3.00
Sweet Cicely  Fall only
Perennial 3ft ht, partial shade, rich moist soil The fresher the seed the easier it is to germinate. We harvest the new seed in August and send it right out. 20 fresh seeds $ 3.00 postage paid Harvested 8/02/20
Sweet Cicely #61
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Sweet Cicely #61
Perennial 3ft ht, partial shade, rich,moist soil. Culinary & medicinal uses. For best germination order the Fall Cicely seed. We harvest and send new seed in August and send. Sample packet 3 -5 seeds $0.50 Large packet 2 grams $1.75
Tansy #64
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Tansy #64
(Tanacetum vulgare) Perennial 3-4ft ht, full sun, well drained soil. Medicinal, aromatic, cosmetic, decorative & dyeing(yellow,green). Fern-like leaves. Cannot ship to Montana. Sample packet 30 - 50 seeds $0.50 Large packet .125 gram $1.75
Tarragon, Russian #94
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Tarragon, Russian #94
(Artemesia dracunculus) Perennial 18-24 inch ht, full sun. Culinary uses. This is not French Tarragon you can only propagate French Tarragon from cuttings and root division. Sample packet 10 - 25 seeds $0.50 Large packet .125 gram $1.75
Tatsoi Mustard #91
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Tatsoi Mustard #91
Brassica narinosa "Tatsoi" Spoon mustard 45 day Sample Pkt 30-50 seeds $0.50 Large Pkt 1 gram $1.75
Teasel Fuller #48
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Teasel Fuller #48
(Dipsacus sativus) Biennal 1-3ft ht, Partial sun. Culinary, Medicinal & Decorative uses. Sample packet 10 - 25 Seeds $0.50 Large Packet .250 gram $1.75
Thistle, Milk #68
Price: From $0.50 to $1.75
Thistle, Milk #68
(Silybum marianum) Annual 4-5ft ht, Full Sun. Medcinal & Culinary uses. Sample packet 3 - 5 seeds $0.50 Large packet 10 - 25 seeds $1.75
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