50 Vegetable Seed Packet Special
A mix of 50 vegetable seed packets. A fun way to try new seeds throughout the entire growing season. All for 1 low price on $24.50 postage paid.
Included in 50 packet vegetable seed special. Can change if seed is unavailable!
Bean, Aiguille Verte
Bean, Maxibel
Beet, Crosby Egyptian
Beet, Early Wonder
Broccoli, Waltham
Brussel Sprouts
Cabbage, Golden Acre
Carrot, Round
Carrot, Nantes Gem-short
Cauliflower, Violet
Chard, Fordhook
Chard, Rhubarb
Collard, Georgia
Cucumber, Armenian
Cucumber, Burpless
Endive, Belgian
Eggplant, Black Beauty
Ground Cherry, Peruvian
Kale, Blue Curled
Kohirabi, Purple Vienna
Leeks, Large American Flag
Lettuce, Kragraner Sommer
Mache, A Grosse Graine
Melon, Cantaloup Charentais
Okra, Clemson Spineless
Onion, Barlette White
Onion, Ciboule
Parsnips, Guernesey
Pea, Dwarf Grey Sugar
Pea, Serpette
Pumpkin, Jack O’Lantern
Pumpkin, Sugar & Pie
Pepper (hot), Jalapeno
Pepper (hot), Long Red Cayenne
Pepper (sweet), California Wonder
Pepper (sweet), Yolo Wonder
Radish, mixed
Red Leaf Amaranth
Rouquette, Arugula
Sorrel, Large de Belleville
Spinach, Monstrueux de Viroflay
Squash (summer), Yellow Straightneck
Squash (winter), Butternut
Squash (winter), Golden Delicious
Tomato, Beefsteak
Tomato, Homestead
Tomato, Patio
Turnip, Shogoin
Zucchini, Black Beauty
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